Cracking the AI Code: Communicating Value in a Noisy Market

AI is complicated, but communicating about AI needs to be the opposite. In today’s fast-paced and evolving AI landscape, it is more important than ever for AI companies to communicate effectively, clearly differentiating themselves and defining their value. 

According to the State of Venture Report, AI startups are dominating global VC funding, capturing a record 35% in Q2’24. This influx of capital shows the high interest in AI-driven innovations, but also means the market is highly competitive. Companies need to cut through the noise by clearly articulating their value proposition and addressing customers' real-world challenges. With the AI market projected to reach a staggering $407 billion by 2027 and annual growth rate expectations of 37% from 2023 to 2030, newcomers to the space can’t afford the consequences of a misdelivered message or a convoluted narrative.  

AI companies are known for their bold pursuit of solving some of the world’s largest problems, from healthcare to finance to education and beyond. We’ve partnered with many industry and tech leaders in AI to help them uplevel their storytelling to focus not just on their technology, but more importantly, the value and impact of their solutions. Clear and effective communications strategies for AI start with answering these critical questions.

How do you help? No really–  how?

One of the primary challenges for AI companies is helping people understand what AI can tangibly do for their business or everyday life. Clearly articulate the pain points your AI technology addresses, distilling it into its core function. For example, if your AI helps optimize warehouse logistics, you might say, "Our AI helps workers find the right items faster, so packages get delivered quicker and with fewer mistakes." Or if your AI optimizes supply chain efficiency, say something like, “Our AI helps businesses reduce waste and speed up deliveries, saving both time and money.” Think about the simplest way to communicate how your AI makes a difference in the lives of your potential customers.

Why can’t I just use ChatGPT?

When OpenAI launched tools like GPT-3 and ChatGPT, AI became significantly more accessible. It wasn’t just engineers and coders leveraging AI anymore; now anyone with an internet connection could use powerful AI tools. The rise of AI-driven applications, some of which are embedded in everyday devices like iPhones, means advanced AI is now more integrated into daily life than ever before. That said, there is a far distance between running a quick search for “Top 10 restaurants in my neighborhood” and providing tools that are specifically designed with industry expertise in mind. And therein, lies the opportunity.  Assuming your buyer has somewhere between some and significant knowledge of AI, the opportunity is to communicate why your technology will take AI superpowers to the next level, and how. Is it faster, more accurate, or more user-friendly than competitors? Is it your data set or your language model? Are you using proprietary and/or open source AI? Keep in mind that AI solutions often involve complex algorithms and automation, which can be difficult to explain and even overwhelming for non-experts to grasp. Use analogies and metaphors to make complex concepts understandable so the true value shines through. Avoid overly technical jargon but provide enough detail to build their confidence.

Data privacy is a headline, not an afterthought.

As companies scramble to gain a competitive edge using data sets, there is a glaring discussion emerging about data privacy and compliance. We have seen high profile copyright infringement lawsuits take center stage, shining a light on the guardrails that will need to be in place when it comes to AI. At the same time, consumer sentiment shows that the majority of consumers are concerned about businesses using AI. With this in mind, it becomes even more essential to address concerns about data usage head-on. The steps your team has taken to safeguard data and privacy needs to be a headline, not an afterthought. Being transparent about how data is collected, stored, and used is crucial to gaining customer trust. Let them know their information is safe in your hands.

What is your category expertise– and why are you better?

If you’re competing in a space where technology is ubiquitous and it’s your specific use case that matters, then say it. Does your team have deep industry knowledge beyond the technology know-how? Were you built AI-first in a competitive set of add-on features? Was your solution informed by a customer advisory board or real world beta clients? Are your executives coming to the table with long standing industry relationships that allow them to keep their finger on the pulse of the market problem they are solving? If you are operating in a regulated industry, do you uniquely understand compliance in your space and have advisors in place from day one in a way that might take competitors years to catch up? In a fast-moving industry like AI technology, there is no room for blending into the scenery. Whatever your competitive set is must be highlighted from the beginning. 

How much time will this cost me and my team?

When talking to a buyer where time is money, every investment will be analyzed not just in the ROI down the line, but what it will take to get there. Knowing that’s on the mind of your buyers, build that discussion up front. Is it easy-to-use? Is it self-serve? Will it require the time and attention of an already busy CTO? And what is the impact on other solutions? Does this technology plug right in or is there configuration on the back-end that this will cost? And last but not least, you can’t talk about AI without talking about how this will impact the people side of the organization. How will this solution impact the current roles and responsibilities and what is the time involved in making that organizational shift?

Being an AI company these days is becoming akin to saying that you had a social media strategy in the early 2000’s. But, arguably, the AI landscape is moving even more quickly with more innovation happening every day. And the differences between companies, use cases, and potential for impact are far greater. Don’t make your buyers figure out how that’s true. Do the work of helping to inform them of why working with you will bring them into the future and the next wave of innovation and possibility.


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